4 Business Models for a People Counter App at the Edge.
Business Real State Appraisal made Smart.
Worldwide, total retail sales were more than $22 trillion in 2014[2], and a good deal of that depends on passerby traffic. But how to know what is a good place to start such a business?
We propose a mobile app that can count, time, and average the time spent by a passerby at any given geographical location and time.
The average cost to open a restaurant is 275,000 [3], and 60% of them close in the first year.[4], according to CNBC, the number one reason that restaurants fail is location.
If we could create a marketplace that sells foot traffic data to potential restaurant owners, they could make more informed decisions & expand successful restaurants more aggressively.
We believe that with 100K USD, we could build a prototype of the technology and research the market to come up with a viable business model.
The mobile application MVP would work by combining the GPS and gyroscope sensor data to get a precise position and orientation of the mobile device or IoT device. The camera would stream video to be processed by a Machine Learning Model that could detect, count, and average the number of people in each frame and sent it to the cloud for aggregation.
As for market research, the goal would e to identify the most engaged groups to acquire the data. We propose successful restaurant owners looking to expand, real state owners interested in pricing their properties and individuals looking for self-paying mechanisms for their data-plans.
Teaching kids social awareness.
The ability to socialize is a major driver of a person's success and happiness. Parents and educators are invested in kids' development, yet very few children are treated and taught on how to improve their social skills.
By mapping children's interactions using video detection, we could potentially identify the children that having problems to socialize and monitor their progress using personalized therapy. All this, before more serious problems such as depression, isolation, and academic underachievement presents.
The education market size is 1.5 trillion USD in NorthAmerica and growing[5]. Many would argue that an important part of the mission of educators is to provide tools to have a successful economic and professional career.
Despite that extroverts earn as much as 20% more [6]. Schools invest little to develop social skills of children.
A partnership with an interested school and 200K USD would allow to develop prototypes of our intelligent cameras that can track, identify and measure the length of social interactions. Using graph databases and most advanced algorithms on differential data privacy we could alert when a kid has a particular “threshold” of unsocial traits.
We understand this is a sensitive issue, however, given the fact that as children grow the problems associated with a lack of social awareness tend to bring more serious repercussions such as in mental health, proclivity to addictions, and criminal behavior.
Using the state of the art OpenVivo toolkit powered by Intel, the cameras would know nothing about the identity of the children and would only transmit the minimal indispensable data to gather conclusions.
Similar maps of interactions can potentially be used in office spaces, sales interactions, and sporting events with a wide variety of potential different applications.
Stock placement analysis for shops.
In finance, there is an accounting valuation method called ABC, on big corporations they measure which Activities return the most profit.
Shops, know which items sell the most, they also know which ones return the most profit. But that does not mean they are optimizing their profits.
Normally, items that return the most profit are placed at the or storefront, where they can receive the most attention. But that is not necessarily the case and is expressed in logic as a tautology, meaning that potentially they make the most because they receive the most attention. UX designers know this in-depth as websites have a wide array of tools to experiment and optimize based on product intelligence software and A/B testing.
This is not necessarily the case for shops, using a Physics analogy. Shops live in a single universe while websites on a multiverse. The website I visit
is potentially different than the one you visit. Crossing the data between revenue, profit, and attention could optimize how shops and retailers optimize one of their most expensive assets: location. More so, the static model of placing items in the same arrangement could be completely rethought. The supply chain could be commanded by data, and eventually, drones could visit stores for us.
The technology used in this model would closely resemble the one featured in Cartterd and is potentially the most simple to deploy as the business model requires no network effects.
A differentiator in profits determines the Darwinistic economic superiority of a retailer above its competitors.
Most shops already own cameras for security purposes, thus minimal privacy concerns and potential low capitalization to launch.
Once the technology is prototyped revenue model is simple. If the retailer pays for the service, they get full privacy on their data. If not, not only would their “stock attention” data would be anonymously shared but also the correlation betwen profit and items.
Bringing families together.
one last idea, I want to bring by. I was raised with books as 1984 to fall asleep and I understand the potential privacy invasion that intelligent devices could
bring to our lives.
Personally, I value the most, moments spent with family.,
Yet there are so many distractions that are becoming scarcer, a whole potential set of smart home devices could be created to incentivize healthy familiar interactions.
With love and full conviction that technology is our ticket to life improvement,
Santiago M.
Attribution & Bibliography:
All names generated with: https://namelix.com/app/?keywords=realtor+agent+broker
2: https://www.thebalanceeveryday.com/us-retail-industry-overview-2892699
3: https://restaurantengine.com/startup-restaurants-typically-overspend/
4: https://www.cnbc.com/2016/01/20/heres-the-real-reason-why-most-restaurants-fail.html
5: https://www.marketwatch.com/press-release/us-education-market-size-share-2018---2025-industry-growth-to-reach-usd-194999-billion-by-2025-2020-01-20
6: https://www.fool.com/the-ascent/banks/articles/personality-trait-could-make-12700-difference-your-salary/
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